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It IS possible to eliminate your pain and regain the ability to do the things you love to do in life. It IS possible to age without decline and keep your independence. You just need to know the right things to do.

So, how Can I help you Achieve your Health goals?

I want to...

Private Consultations

Work 1-on-1 to resolve my specific pain & health issues

Being able to exercise, pick up a child or sleep through the night can all be pain-free activities. Work directly with Eileen via Zoom using her 4-prong approach to learn the right things to do to age well and stop the pain.

Join the BOOT CAMP

Train LIVE with Eileen
for FIVE days

Over 5 days of live sessions, learn to effectively reverse the common signs of aging! Learn how to move without pain, keep your independence, and move like you’re AT LEAST 10 years younger! Begins November 27th, 2023.


Access content that teaches me how best to train my body

Check out the Private Club which provides you with on-demand access to 100s of hours of education and movement classes. These classes show you how to address and prevent pain issues to age well on your own time.




Success Stories

Really didn’t expect this much improvement based on the diagnosis of moderate arthritis and the comment “when it becomes so bad it limits your lifestyle a hip replacement is warranted.” Again, thank you very much and I really appreciate having access to the knowledge/skills you have.
Move Without Pain Private Club Member
And just like that – I’m walking normal – not anticipating pain or paying close attention to each foot strike. I was able to just walk up the stairs to my office this morning. And even my group of “fit club” folks I lead at work at lunch time were astounded as I practically ran down the stairs heading outside for our workout – where before I would hold on to the rail and carefully walk down as to not exacerbate the pain in my knees. During our regular workout today, I was able to do the lunges along with everyone else (I have typically done a modifier) without pain.
Private Consult Client
I got out of the car 2 Sundays ago, and was half way across the parking lot before I realized that I was not in pain, and that I had not done my obligatory stretches after getting out of the car! This Move Without Pain is for Real... thank you for all that you do!
Private Consult Client
Pain Culprits Book Cover


Pain Culprits!

Learn real-life strategies that work so you can move without pain, regain your health, age well, and return to doing the things you love to do every day because life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured.

Join the Have Lifelong Wellbeing Newsletter

Sign up today and learn how to move without pain, age well, and achieve optimum health! You will be empowered every month with accurate information, a recipe of the month, and a tip of the month so you can have lifelong wellbeing. No spam, that’s a promise!

Would you like to see the most recent Newsletter? Here is a link to the April Issue.